Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thingy 6: Social Bookmarking

A personalized list of internet bookmarks, searchable by multiple tags, centralized and accessible from any internet computer--what will they think of next?

Having faithfully changed computers every, say 4-5 years when the bugs finally bring down my stumbling processor, I have several times created and then lost extensive lists of internet bookmarks. So having a centralized, online list of these could be tremendously helpful (provided, of course, that doesn't go under). Of course, I've never really remembered or missed what all those lost bookmarks on previous computers were... I tend to be a linear thinker, so having a set of folders to organize them worked just fine for me, though I didn't always keep up with my "filing." However, having multiple tags for each bookmark may open up new dimensions of cyberspace to me. Or not.

As for the social aspect of social bookmarking, I am intensely ambiguous as to whether the input and selection of fellows humans will help or hurt the agony and chaos of navigating the morass of websites on the internet. Are there no other myopic internet users out there?

As for which tags would be most useful for the library, well that depends on whether staff or patrons will be using this, and if staff, then which staff. Perhaps, from my perspective, the following are salient: mapquest, licensedtherapists, nationalsexoffenderregistry.

Lastly: ""? Whaa?

1 comment:

The Skokie Ten said... is owned by Yahoo!, so they're likely to be around for a while.

And while their current name is a domain hack, the founder of the site recently announced that the new version will drop the extraneous periods.